Mr. Kok Tin Gan
PwC Partner, Darklab Founder
Kok-Tin is a Partner in PwC’s Cyber Security & Privacy practice and founder of Darklab with over 16 years of experience. He co-authored a number of cyber security and technology risk related guidelines for different regulators in the region. Kok-Tin also led around 500 small to large sizes of security assessment / transformation engagements and worked across different continents including Asia, America, Europe and Africa. To-date, he has led more than 1000 systems penetration test / red-teaming exercise and has assumed incident response lead role for a number of high-profile cyber-attacks in the region. Kok Tin is currently the Vice Chairman of itSMF HK Chapter and the member of security committee of Fintech Association of HK, and a TED speaker.
Mr. Alan Chan
Associate Technical Director, Promet Metals Testing Laboratory Ltd
With over 20 years metals, testing and die casting experience, Mr. Alan Chan focuses on alloy development, quality and productivity enhancement of die casting to help manufacturers and brand owners improve productivity. He participates actively in international technology conferences to discuss the latest technological developments. He is often invited by professional groups of different industries to contribute white papers, share his opinions and be the judging panel for casting designs contests.
Ms. Wendy LO
Strategic Planner (Procurement), Lee Kee Group
With more than 10 years experiences in metals procurement, Ms. Wendy Lo has an in-depth understanding on the non-ferrous metals market and different trading platforms. She is a mastermind for many Lee Kee’s customers, helping them develop their purchasing strategies. Wendy is also an expert in mitigating the effects of market fluctuations while achieving their business target.
Ms. Yi ZHU
Global Head of Metals & Mining of Bloomberg, Bloomberg
is Bloomberg’s Global Head of Metals and Mining with over 15 years of experience in commodities and mining. Prior to joining Bloomberg Intelligence, she was a research analyst for Goldman Sachs and Royal Bank of Scotland in Hong Kong covering commodities. Ms. Zhu also has a strong background in industry research and commodity trading by having worked for metal producers including Alcoa in the U.S. and Shenhuo Aluminum in Shanghai. <br><br> Ms. Zhu received her Master in Business Administration from Pennsylvania State University and holds a Bachelor’s of Science in mathematics from Fudan University, Shanghai.